
Effective communications
for freelancers

Effective communication plays a vital role in ensuring success in any interaction. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a business transaction or a simple exchange between friends and colleagues; if effective communication is not applied, disconnect and misunderstanding happen. When disconnect and misunderstanding take place, the interaction fails.

Why is that? It’s simple. The goal of communication is to be understood. When communication is effective, understanding is reached. When we communicate, we encounter disagreements, obstacles, and hesitations. These challenges, when not addressed appropriately, lead to disconnect and misunderstanding. Therefore, effective communication is a necessity in every interaction we get ourselves involved in.

That’s why we can’t stress enough the constant need for effective communication especially, for freelancers.

Why do freelancers need to be effective at communication? Think about it! How do freelancers land on jobs or projects? What’s the first step? A freelancer needs to reach out first to possible clients through, perhaps, an email or an assessment that requires demonstrating skills to cohesive paragraphs. This process aims to convey one’s intent and skillset in the form of written communication. When a freelancer’s intent and skillset are delivered clearly and positively, the possibility of getting shortlisted becomes higher.

The next step then is an interview via phone or communication apps. In this interaction, a shortlisted freelancer is tested on his oral communication skills. There’s no escape from communication.

In a 2016 LinkedIn survey conducted in the US, communication turned out to be number one on the list of the most sought-after soft skills among organizations and entrepreneurs (57.9% of the survey participants) looking to hire.

The need for effective communication becomes more evident once a freelancer lands on the job. Now, the responsibility becomes heavier and trickier. More often than not, the freelancer now represents his clients to the world. He is expected to emulate the branding and image of the client he represents. Apart from this responsibility, it is also necessary to effectively and constantly walk your clients through your processes and progress. That’s communicating 24/7.

We just can’t stress it enough, a freelancer is expected to be an effective communicator because this job requires receiving and relaying information in a timely and clear manner.

Another known truth is that knowing and understanding the importance of effective communication won’t be enough. The ability to successfully apply the concept of effective communication is also necessary. After understanding the what and the why of effective communication, it’s now a matter of how.

What does it take to be an effective communicator? Is having a wide range of vocabulary enough? Should one’s neutral accent suffice? Will impeccable grammar alone deliver effective communication?

The answer is NO. Although these skills are needed, these are not enough. You need more than impeccable grammar or a neutral accent to be an effective communicator. It takes excellent active listening skills. Effective communication needs purpose and the capacity to clearly relay your purpose. There’s more to effective communication than sounding like an American or having the linguistic range of a Ph.D. degree holder.

Keep in mind that these skills (having a neutral accent, impeccable grammar, wide linguistic range) are also necessary blocks that complete the making of an effective communicator. These are needed to effectively convey one’s thoughts, reasoning, and ideas. However, we need to remember that communication is not a one-way street. And to achieve effective communication, the need for healthy exchange and collaboration is necessary. Remember that effective communication is defined as the ability to convey information to another effectively and efficiently.

To better understand, the need to go back to basics is imperative. How do we define communication? According to the dictionary, communication is the means of sending AND receiving information. There are two things that we need to notice and focus on. Communication is about sending and receiving. In sending information, the ability to sound clear, having a neutral accent, and impeccable grammar help. No question about it. It’s a different story when receiving information is the concern.

To effectively receive information, one’s comprehension skills must be pristine. Having a wide linguistic range and impeccable grammar can help for sure. But, we must not forget about active listening skills and empathy. These skills are also needed to ensure the receiving of information becomes successful. After all, when we fail to understand the information we receive, our response will for sure stop the connection and collaboration that’s keeping the exchange healthy and going. This is the gaping hole that misunderstanding and disconnect wait for. Remember, the goal of communication is to understand and be understood. The skills mentioned are expected to manifest whenever a freelancer communicates…which is all the time.

It’s a good thing to understand and acknowledge the need for these skills. By understanding the need and acknowledging the need, the call to action becomes possible. Now is the time to assess oneself. Do we have all these skills? Can we confidently claim that we are effective communicators? If we are, can we back up our confidence with competence? These are the questions to ask ourselves. If we are someone who has reached a healthy level of self-awareness, we would know that one way or the other, we still have room for improvement. There is still a thing or two that we can consider an opportunity to develop.

That being said, it is healthy for a freelancer to continue educating oneself. A freelancer who sees the need to find opportunities that will enhance his communication skills and help him become an effective communicator will take action. He knows that this must be fulfilled. A freelancer who wants to be better at his job will look for training materials that can help him actualize his effective communication competency. Materials like this will be something he will crave and devour whenever he can.

It’s a good thing that in this age and time, looking for materials that can help us improve is not a difficult task. Avenues that offer the chance to learn are just a click away. All that is needed is to act.

If you are decided to work on your communication skills, watch out for our Communications Training that will soon be available in our iLearn corner.

Author: Kristine Bernal

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